In the lead paragraph, the Associated Press identifies Manssor Arbabsiar as a “Texas man.” Do you really think that his residence in Texas is the salient part of his identity in reference to this jihad plot that would have resulted in “mass casualties” in a “Washington restaurant”?

“Feds in NY seek 25 years in Saudi ambassador plot,” from the Associated Press, May 3 (thanks to Kenneth):

NEW YORK — Prosecutors in New York are seeking a 25-year prison sentence for a Texas man who admits he plotted to kill Saudi Arabia’s ambassador to the United States.

The government says in papers filed Thursday in federal court in Manhattan the “extremely serious crime” calls for the maximum sentence.

Manssor Arbabsiar pleaded guilty in October to two conspiracy charges and a murder-for-hire count. The U.S. citizen has an Iranian passport and lived in Corpus Christi, Texas.

Arbabsiar admitted he was directed by Iranian military officials to go to Mexico on multiple occasions from the spring to the fall of 2011 to arrange the assassination attempt, which never occurred.

The government says Arbabsiar recognized his planned attack on the ambassador at a Washington restaurant likely would’ve resulted in mass casualties.

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